Do Ikea Mattresses Have Fiberglass? Exploring the Truth Behind the Rumors

Ikea is a popular furniture retailer that sells a variety of products, including mattresses. However, there have been concerns raised about whether Ikea mattresses contain fiberglass. Fiberglass is a material that is commonly used in insulation and can cause health issues if inhaled.

To address these concerns “Do Ikea Mattresses Have Fiberglass”, Ikea released a statement in 2014 stating that their mattresses do not contain fiberglass. This statement was made in response to rumors that were circulating on social media claiming that Ikea mattresses were filled with fiberglass.

An investigation by Mattress Nut states, “Ikea mattresses don’t have fiberglass in them”3. However, there have been instances where certain Ikea mattresses, such as the Amsosen gel memory foam mattress, have been found to contain fiberglass in their inner cover25. It’s important to check the label of the specific mattress to confirm its composition. 

Despite these statements, there are still some who are skeptical and believe that Ikea mattresses may contain fiberglass. This has led to confusion and uncertainty among consumers who are looking for safe and comfortable mattresses.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the issue and provide information to help consumers make informed decisions when purchasing Ikea mattresses.

Do Ikea Mattresses Have Fiberglass
Do Ikea Mattresses Have Fiberglass

Do Ikea Mattresses Have Fiberglass?

Ikea mattresses are a popular choice for many people due to their affordable prices and decent quality. However, there have been concerns about whether these mattresses contain fiberglass.

Fiberglass is a material that is commonly used in insulation and can be harmful if inhaled or ingested. It can cause irritation to the skin, eyes, and respiratory system, and may even lead to serious health problems.

Fortunately, Ikea mattresses do not contain fiberglass. The company has stated that they do not use fiberglass in any of their mattresses or bedding products.

Instead, Ikea mattresses are made with a variety of materials such as foam, latex, and springs, depending on the specific model. These materials are safe and non-toxic, and have been tested to ensure they meet safety standards.

It’s important to note that while Ikea mattresses do not contain fiberglass, there are other brands and types of mattresses that do. It’s always a good idea to check the materials and safety certifications of any mattress before purchasing it.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for an affordable and safe mattress option, Ikea mattresses are a good choice. You can rest easy knowing that you won’t be exposed to harmful fiberglass materials.

Do Ikea Mattresses Have Fiberglass

Understanding Fiberglass in Mattresses

What is Fiberglass?

Fiberglass is a material made from tiny fibers of glass that are woven together to create a strong and durable material. It is commonly used in a variety of products, including insulation, electronics, and even mattresses.

Why is Fiberglass Used in Mattresses?

Fiberglass is often used in mattresses as a flame retardant. Mattresses are required by law to meet certain safety standards, including being able to withstand an open flame for a set amount of time without catching fire. Fiberglass is used as a barrier to prevent flames from spreading and to help keep the mattress from catching fire.

While fiberglass can be effective at preventing fires, there have been concerns about its safety. Some people have reported experiencing skin irritation and respiratory issues from exposure to fiberglass particles that can become airborne if the mattress is damaged or torn.

It is important to note that not all mattresses contain fiberglass. However, if you are concerned about the safety of your mattress, it is recommended that you research the materials used in your particular mattress and consult with the manufacturer if necessary.

Health Risks Associated with Fiberglass in Mattresses

Fiberglass is a type of glass that is commonly used in insulation, textiles, and other products. In mattresses, fiberglass is often used as a fire retardant. However, when fiberglass is not properly contained within the mattress, it can pose a serious health risk to those who come into contact with it.

Exposure to fiberglass can cause irritation to the skin, eyes, and respiratory system. Fiberglass particles are small and lightweight, which means they can easily become airborne and be inhaled. When fiberglass particles are inhaled, they can become lodged in the lungs and cause respiratory problems.

In addition to respiratory problems, fiberglass exposure can also cause skin irritation. Fiberglass particles can get trapped in clothing and bedding, causing discomfort and itching.

It is important to note that not all mattresses contain fiberglass, and those that do are typically designed to contain the fiberglass within the mattress. However, if the mattress is damaged or torn, the fiberglass can escape and pose a risk to those who come into contact with it.

If you suspect that your mattress contains fiberglass or if you experience any symptoms of fiberglass exposure, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. It is also important to properly dispose of any damaged or torn mattresses to prevent further exposure to fiberglass.

Ikea’s Stance on Fiberglass in Mattresses

Ikea is a well-known furniture retailer that offers a variety of mattresses to its customers. One concern that has been raised by some consumers is whether Ikea mattresses contain fiberglass.

According to Ikea’s website, their mattresses do not contain fiberglass. They state that they use materials such as natural latex, memory foam, and polyurethane foam in their mattresses. These materials are known to be safe and comfortable for sleeping.

Ikea also states that their mattresses are tested and certified by third-party organizations to ensure they meet safety and quality standards. This includes testing for harmful chemicals and flammability.

In addition to their own testing, Ikea encourages customers to follow proper care instructions for their mattresses to ensure they remain safe and comfortable for use. This includes using a mattress protector, washing bedding regularly, and avoiding jumping on the mattress.

Overall, Ikea’s stance on fiberglass in mattresses is clear – their mattresses do not contain fiberglass and are tested for safety and quality. Customers can feel confident in their purchase of an Ikea mattress knowing that it is made with safe and comfortable materials.

Alternatives to Fiberglass in Mattresses

Many mattress manufacturers use fiberglass as a flame retardant material. However, there are alternatives to fiberglass that are just as effective in preventing fires. Here are a few options:


Wool is a natural flame retardant material that is commonly used in mattresses. It is non-toxic and does not release harmful chemicals into the air. Wool is also a good insulator, which helps keep sleepers warm in the winter and cool in the summer.


Kevlar is a synthetic material that is commonly used in bulletproof vests and other protective gear. It is also a good flame retardant material and can be used in mattresses. Kevlar is durable and long-lasting, making it a good choice for mattresses that will be used for many years.


Rayon is a synthetic material that is made from wood pulp. It is often used as a flame retardant material in mattresses. Rayon is a good alternative to fiberglass because it is non-toxic and does not release harmful chemicals into the air. It is also soft and comfortable to sleep on.


Silica is a natural mineral that is used as a flame retardant material in some mattresses. It is non-toxic and does not release harmful chemicals into the air. Silica is also a good insulator, which helps keep sleepers warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

Overall, there are many alternatives to fiberglass that can be used as flame retardant materials in mattresses. These materials are non-toxic, safe, and effective at preventing fires.

Do Ikea Mattresses Have Fiberglass

How to Check for Fiberglass in Your Mattress

Fiberglass is a material that is commonly used in the construction of some mattresses, including some models sold by IKEA. While fiberglass can be an effective insulator, it can also pose a risk to your health if it becomes airborne and is inhaled.

To check if your IKEA mattress contains fiberglass, follow these steps:

  1. Check the product information: Before purchasing an IKEA mattress, check the product information to see if it contains fiberglass. If you already have an IKEA mattress and are unsure if it contains fiberglass, check the product information online or contact IKEA customer service for assistance.
  2. Look for warning labels: Some mattresses that contain fiberglass may have warning labels on the packaging or on the mattress itself. Look for labels that mention fiberglass or glass fibers.
  3. Inspect the mattress cover: If your mattress has a removable cover, inspect it for any signs of fiberglass. Fiberglass may be visible as tiny white fibers or particles. If you see any fiberglass, do not remove the cover or attempt to clean it yourself.
  4. Use a flashlight: Shine a flashlight on the surface of the mattress and look for any signs of fiberglass. Fiberglass may be visible as tiny white fibers or particles.
  5. Consider professional testing: If you are still unsure if your IKEA mattress contains fiberglass, consider having it professionally tested. There are companies that specialize in testing for fiberglass in mattresses and other products.

It is important to note that not all IKEA mattresses contain fiberglass. If you are concerned about fiberglass in your mattress, do your research and choose a mattress that does not contain this material.


In conclusion, after thorough research and analysis, it has been determined that some IKEA mattresses may contain fiberglass. However, it is important to note that not all IKEA mattresses have fiberglass and the ones that do have it as a fire retardant barrier within the mattress cover.

It is recommended that customers who are concerned about fiberglass in their mattress should check the product label or contact IKEA customer support for more information.

Overall, IKEA mattresses are known for their affordability and quality, and the presence of fiberglass should not deter customers from considering them as an option. It is important to always read product labels and do research before making a purchase to ensure that the product meets individual needs and preferences.